Thursday 27 October 2011

Telling the Story

The best way to communicate my idea during presentation will be through a story. Telling stories is a tradition that has existed in all cultures for thousands of years. However, indigenous Australians pride themselves in their stories; beauty through simplicity.

The story will be as follows:

1. Australian Parliament is unbalanced...
The people recognise only one Indigenous Australian MP in a ‘multicultural’ society.

2. The Government tried and failed to re-empower marginalised indigenous culture and contribution.

3. A solution is sought out...
The youth of the nation become the focus; the future leaders and members of tomorrow’s democracy.
4.The public and private primary school children of Australia are educated differently.
Focuses upon equality and better understanding of culture
The older generations’ of the public and their voices begin to fall on open ears.

5. Australian Parliament is strengthened by real public interaction and influence.
More indigenous members are voted in with majority public support.

6. The Intervention/Proactive step taken becomes recognised nationally and is associated strongly with Australian Parliament.
Petitions and signatures are replaced with the individual voices of each electorate.

7. The Capital of Australia and the ideologies it maintains are distributed.
A new part of Australian culture is accepted as the old and new combine to create a positive and noticeable outcome.

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