Monday 26 September 2011

The First Concept

There is a need for an adaptable distributed solution. With the idea of data/power being distributed by water, my idea of a political empowerment of indigenous culture at a mass scale is taking form.

This idea seeks to tackle the needs of the entire nation at three scales. City; Town and Rural Community.
The aim will be to offer all services to all Australians all in one place i.e. simple voting, indigenous education and awareness, preparing new Australians for Aussie Culture and a secure data transfer network.
Now I ask myself, how would I facilitate these needs?

Saturday 24 September 2011

My Brief

My brief for this project is how I interpret the assessment criteria.
I must create an notable architectural entity that:

- can be part of and enhance the Australian Identity

- reintroduces the traditional Australian culture to the public and government

- holds specific purposes and functions to enhance Australian Parliament

- possesses appropriate circulation and access similar to the principles of indigenous Australian life

- has structural and operational integrity, although does not require focus on a physical entity

- holds a large focus upon experience within the architecture

Currently, my most valuable physical is the parti diagram of the traditional meeting circle of the indigenous people. This must become the 'heart' of my architectural entity as it takes form.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Project 2 begins to grow...

Last week's lecture was thought-provoking. I see an adaptable solution as the best way to approach my re-invention of Australian identity and empower indigenous culture.

Discussion with my tutor, Davor, also is helping me see that I don't have to focus on a physical entity. Architecture can be purely an experience.

Developing our group idea that all our individual ideas stem from is starting to take shape.
The idea of data current being transferred through water is a technology that will more than likely be available in the future.
With natural and man made water infrastructure already existing, using the piping and waterways to reach all rural and urban Australians.

Something foldable; movable; adaptable is an old and new idea. The indigenous people would move to minimise their own impact upon the land. Although the meeting places remained relatively the same. Therefore a combination of these two principles would be ideal.

Meeting places were often near available bodies of water, which will also assist the overall theme of our group, Distribution of data by water current.
My final thought comes from the four issues identified in Project 1 as seen in my previous post and the image above. Indigenous Representation, Multiculturalism, Political Power and Security. This has formed the idea in my head of the Dreamtime network. I will follow this train of thought further.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Reflection on Project 1

The Project 1 presentation was a success as it helped us to individually 'flesh-out' our own ideas and begin a path into the next project.

The positive parts of the panels was the distribution demonstration using the puzzle of Australia; the political cartoons showing a specific bias towards a beneficial outcome; and the establishment of our strategies. 

The negative aspect of the panels was the mindmap which didn't quite justify the amount of thought that occurred during the first stage of the group collaboration.

My thought process is now moving towards an overall theme for our group to follow in terms of distribution; a revolutionary idea.

I am also considering my own personal path heading in the direction of creating a new indigenous aspect of Parliament, reconnecting it to the public and traditional owners of Australia.

Currently, the way I see my idea going is towards a network of buildings all over Australia that facilitate a new program or institute to benefit Australia.
Something that will create a whole new idea of the capital and indigenous identity.